Monday, September 28, 2009

SAW, just Hacksaw 1

I was heading home from Orlando on Thursday and got a call from Jen....somewhat more distressed than usual. It was also 3:30, when she should have been sleeping, so I was a bit concerned.

The boys have a Little Tykes workbench with a small hole in the bench that holds a lantern hook. The hole is, of course just a fraction smaller than Brayden's index finger. You've probably figured out where this is going. Brayden stuck his finger through and couldn't get it out. The plastic was too thick to do much and the fire station was the next option, but we thought a shot with the hack saw might get through.

I've never seen Brayden quite so concerned. As a parent of a child who at the age of 7 is often one step ahead of you, his concern was a nice reminder that as a parent your kids still need you and have to trust you. A quick strafe of my hand with the saw and Brayden was on board.

I made a couple cuts, it relieved the tension and out popped the finger. Yey...

While I never would have guessed that using a hacksaw to free my kid's finger would be one of the coolest things I've done as a Dad, I have to admit, I'm riding a pretty solid Dad high right now and trying not to feel to guilty about it.

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