Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sports Week of WOWs!

So, we've figured out that a good 10 minutes of focus time between Dad and Alex makes for a much better game. Two weeks ago, we made it to the field just in time for Alex to "warm up" with the team and we were treated to a great game of star searching, butterfly chasing and what you might imagine would happen on the soccer field when Alex is far more concerned about the ice pop than the ball. So good to be a kid. BUT, it is way too frustrating for Dad. So, this week we hit the field a little early and just worked on running at Dad and taking the ball. That's all, no pep talk, very little coaching, just running to the ball. Ahhhh, the results! TWO GOALS! One of the two he really had to work for and get past a defender to score....and more importantly we had a kid that was more focused on the game than the clouds. Clouds are fun, but at 7 the kids are getting good enough that day dreaming can be a bit dangerous.

Brayden keeps flopping back and forth between the advanced skaters and intermediate skaters in mini-mite games. He's not quite ready for the advanced team, but it's good for him to try and play at that speed. Tonight, coach gave him a break and let him run with the intermediate kids. Equally good as he gets to carry the puck more and can get back on defense in time to block shots. He also has a much better chance to score goals. He had multiple attempts and connected on 3! His shinning moment was the slap shot that came off the ice and over the defenders stick into the goal. (I may be embellishing just a bit, maybe the shot bounced off his stick and bounced again over the defender's stick, but what's a Dad to do?, the puck did get off the ice). It was a great night and a nice show for Grandma and Grandpa Cleghorn.

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