Monday, April 06, 2009

It's all Relative

We love this time of year not only for the wonderful weather, but the many visits from friends and relatives. We're looking forward to Jennifer's parent's arrival this week and a first time visit from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Larry the following.

With everything going on it's difficult to stop and remember what's happening around the world during these difficult times. Jennifer has family that serve in Bontoc, Philippines in the Youth With a Mission program through Cornerstone Community Church. It's not that there aren't issues to be concerned about right now the in great US of A, but we don't have rebels fighting the military and helicopters landing so frequently it's difficult to conduct daily business. Please keep Thomas, Lisa, Alanya, Adriana, Alexie and Annalise in your thoughts and prayers not only for the wonderful work they do, but for the unrest in the region at this time. If you want to follow their story, the link to their blog is on the top right of my page "Lisa and Thomas' blog".

1 comment:

Thomas and Lisa said...

Thanks for your prayers and having others pray for us. We are safe. We have not heard any helicopters for a few days. Still not sure about the facts surrounding the situation as it is difficult to get objective information from the sources available. Thomas tried to talk to his friends at the police station but they were evasive. The like any other media source, not always a "just the facts" report.

Sorry for the lapse in updates since that post but we have been without electricity for most of the last several days.

Thanks again for your prayers...they are vital to us!