After using some strong coercion to get Brayden on the boat with us yesterday, he managed to reel in the catch of the day. The boys and I enjoyed a "Fall" day on the IRL. To us that means a slight chill in the air as we get up to speed on the boat at sunrise, a sun at midday that doesn't force you into the water for relief, enjoying the beauty of the first light on the river without getting up at 3am, and active fish that are eager to eat. To those that can't live without apple picking and colorful trees, we concede, your "Fall" has is moments, but we're very happy to borrow your sweaters and bushel baskets when we visit.....we know what's coming.
Brayden - Grandpa Cleghorn will be jealous when he sees your fish. WOW! Alex and you would be pretty stiff competition in a fishing contest with him. See you on Halloween.
Grandma Cleghorn
Happy to hear you are enjoying Fall in Florida.
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