Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Frog Log Dominance

Since the first week of school, Brayden has been talking about his "Frog Log" and how he gets to keep the Frog Log if he reads the most in his class. The boy sets his mind to something and it's game over.

Each little frog sticker is an hour of reading.....I imagine there are some choice words being shared at lunch over strawberry milk and fruit roll-ups about "that Brayden kid". The kid just loves books...thanks Aunt Lauren. Way to go Brayden! By the way...that's just 2 full weeks of Frog Logging if you're doing the math.

1 comment:

Thomas and Lisa said...

Great to have a love of reading. We bought a Kindle this summer to help provide material for our book lovers. Oh how we miss our library in Michigan!