Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall in Florida

As far as I'm concerned you can have your colorful trees and cold weather. Fall in Florida means Sailfish!

Monday, October 26, 2009

B's B-day!

The big question is, did he really expect boys to come to a skating party or did he think, "the girls will really dig this this!" One of the Moms actually asked Brayden to do more backwards skating.....he's already making nice with the girl's moms and he doesn't even know what he's doing.

In all reality, there were 2 boys at the party and Brayden had a fantastic day skating around with his friends. Very few had skated before, but as amazing as kids are, they nearly all were skating w/o help by the end of the day. We all had a great time!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Amazing Tooth

The amazing part is that our 8 year old finally lost his first tooth! With that being said, there are at least 3 more the tooth fairy has on her 30 day pick up list. Poor Alex is eating a good amount of soup these days with his front 4 pretty much out of action.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hallooween Preview

Boo at the Zoo with friends Loren and Garrett

Fall Soccer

I can't find the hockey shots and will have to get the kids up soon, so look for those tomorrow. Fall is in full swing as we hit temps in the low 50's overnight. Brrrrrr....thin blooded Florida kids can't handle it. Not to worry, it should bounce back to the low 70s with highs in the mid 80s soon. Love this time of year!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Little Tikes (thumbs up)

In the hopes no other child might have to deal with Daddy and a hack saw, I shot Little Tikes a quick email to tell them what happened. I didn't ask for a thing, just told them what happened and asked them to look into making a design change. Frankly, I told them Brayden is probably too old for the toy and should have known better. Someone from customer service called within 24 hours to talk to me. They apologized for the accident, said they would send a part to replace the piece that was damaged and offered to send a toy to Brayden for his troubles. While I am often insistent on fair consideration for my troubles, in this case I have to emphasize that Little Tikes was all about making this right without a single request from us. Two days after the call we received a letter confirming the offer and apologizing for the mishap.
In a world where we so often see companies shifting blame and wiggling out using fine print, I applaud Little Tikes for their customer friendly customer service.