Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Cheek Creep

Call it creep, croup, colds or whatever. I think when a cold mutates through 4 family members it get's a special spot and name in the "make you feel bad" Hall of fame. Struggling to get through a cold that turned into a fever that turned into runny noses and has now placed a firm grip on "dry cough". Amazing how difficult it is for everything to adapt to less than 150% humidity down here. We go below 100 and skin starts cracking, plants die, grass curls up and everyone walks around drinking water to stay hydrated. Doesn't help having a cold. Must have been those 3 days of "cold" weather....I know, tough life. Hopefully everybody will perk up and we'll have some new hockey videos to post this weekend.

1 comment:

Thomas and Lisa said...

Sorry to hear you have been feeling lousy. Hope all of you will be better soon!
Praying for you...