Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fay Who???

It's been a bit wet here in Brevard. At least the kids are loving it. No school for 3 days. Nice way to start the year. We'll be hating that later in the season when we have to make those days up.
Hopefully it will stop soon, the water's a bit higher than we'd like to see it. I guess when you have fish swimming down the road that a sign things are getting a little out of hand. Patrick Air Base is about 3 miles from the house and I believe they are reporting 22" in the last 24hours. WOW.


Anonymous said...

Wow - that's a lot of rain. Hope you guys (and your house) stay dry!


Thomas and Lisa said...

Looks like you are having a bit of your own rainy season. For us it seems almost a typhoon every week. Let's just say umbrellas are essential here. Good thing you have the big screen to enjoy.

Thomas and Lisa said...

Hope you are safe...